Need to update your Housing Choice Voucher Program Application?
Moving Forward to Accomplish Great Things
Moving Forward to Accomplish Great Things
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Message from ECHA Executive Director – Tia Cauley
Welcome to the new East Chicago Housing Authority (ECHA) website; we hope that it provides the information you are seeking and is user-friendly.
ECHA is moving forward to accomplish great things. The ECHA team is dedicated to modernizing our apartments, creating new affordable housing opportunities, and assisting our residents in reaching self-sufficiency goals. We hope to accomplish these important goals by working closely with the City and other local agencies to pool resources and capitalize on the momentum of redevelopment opportunities, such as the North Harbor Revitalization. We are committed to establishing new local, regional and national partnerships to be an active partner in the City’s vision for the waterfront. As such, we are in the planning phases of a major redevelopment effort.
The ECHA team is working to bring in private resources to invest in our communities and is continuously looking for ways to operate more efficiently. The uncertain economic times has made the way we carry out our mission more critical than ever. We are working to ensure that we maximize the funding available to improve the properties we own, explore new development opportunities in a wider range of neighborhoods and expand our partnerships with others who share our vision.
the East Chicago Housing Authority
is committed to:Maintaining
An Economic
Income mix of residents;
Providing Residents
With social services necessary to meet the housing/welfare reform requirements;
Using Whatever
Economic Development
Source available as a means to support its housing effort;
All Units
To an above standard condition;
All Units
At above standard conditions;
and Maintaining
A financially stable and independent status;
An Atmosphere
Where residents are encouraged to use public housing as a limited-term housing resource.
The East Chicago Housing Authority shall manage and maintain real estate including its current housing stock and provide additional affordable housing for residents in the City of East Chicago.