MECHA is a non-for-profit organization and is part of the East Chicago Housing Authority. MECHA is always looking to purchase multifamily units.  It is the largest landlord in the City of East Chicago, and is on a mission to increase MECHA's portfolio. It addresses affordable housing to all.   If there is interest in selling your property, please call 219-397-9974, ext. 9123 and leave message.


The MECHA corporate office, located at 4444 Railroad, is seeking businesses to lease stated premises. Gross leases are prepared, so one monthly payment pays ALL AMENITIES. Security and the safety for all is included.  This building is gated for the protection of employees and only lessees are able to park in an area covering approximately 1 1/2 acres. 

Digital display located on the corner of 145th and Railroad Ave is available to market your business. High traffic area and close to main thoroughfares. Easy access to highways.

Cardinal Terrace Apartments
445 E. Chicago Avenue
East Chicago, IN  46312
219-391-1722 Tel

North Harbor Apartments
3419 Indiana Harbor Drive
East Chicago, IN  46312
219-391-0040 Tel


MECHA, an instrumentality of the East Chicago Housing Authority (ECHA) in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), provides and adheres to all of HUD’s guidelines on providing fair housing to all of its residents, regardless of race, sex, creed or color.

MECHA is a not-for-profit organization and the MECHA team is dedicated to creating affordable housing opportunities and assisting East Chicago residents in reaching self-sufficiency goals.

MECHA accomplishes their important goals by working closely with the East Chicago Housing Authority, the City of East Chicago and other local agencies to pool resources and capitalize on the momentum of providing the best care and services to East Chicago residents in need of affordable housing opportunities.

  • MECHA strives to facilitate the development and availability of decent housing that is affordable to low and moderate income persons and families.  MECHA also serves as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO);
  • MECHA engages in development, rehabilitation or construction of housing and other community development activities for the purpose of expanding decent, suitable and affordable housing in the City of East Chicago;
  • MECHA fosters positive impacts on the overall social and well-being of the community;
  • MECHA encourages community members, particularly those of low income, to participate in planning for programs which expand housing, economic and social needs of East Chicago residents;
  • MECHA seeks and utilizes available federal, state, county, local government and private resources to provide projects, programs and services which will result in community economic development and affordable housing for East Chicago residents.
  • MECHA engages and partners with other organizations and businesses to support the mission and purpose of the Managed East Chicago Housing Association Inc.